Monday, October 24, 2011

The Beauty of Colorado

Over the past month or so, I have been watching the seasons change here in Colorado.  Along with the changing of the seasons, I have been able to capture some of the amazing beauty of this area where I live. 

It seems as if there is always something that I want to take a picture of, and I never can seem to take enough pictures of Pike's Peak, but it is so amazing, I can't help myself.

I also found a few more wild flowers.  I think there have been wild flowers blooming here for 5 straight months.

And then, there are all the horses everywhere, especially the herd that roams wild by where my kids go to school.  They had about 8 foals in the herd this year, and I tried to get some pictures of them.




I also took a photo field trip with some friends into one of the canyons here, and got some fun shots.





I also think I have a different version of this shot from every season - I was happy to get it with the fall colors starting.



And now it is starting into the winter weather, and Pike's Peak is once again covered in snow, and so the seasons are changing again, which means I will have more photo opportunities as I try to capture another season.


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