Sunday, March 16, 2008

Wormsloe Photo Field Trip

Saturday morning I had another photo field trip for my class. This time we went Wormsloe Historic Site - it was an old plantation you can visit in Savannah. Well, somehow we got the time wrong, and so we spent the first hour taking pictures just outside the gate. It was beautiful though, and there was plenty to shoot, especially since I ended up having both Lily and Derek with me :).

This time she challenged us to shoot a little tighter, and try to do a series of pictures of one subject. This is the first series I did, and it was of the gate to the plantation. Obviously I included some pictures that showed the whole subject, but that was just because I wanted you to see how amazing this place is.

My second series was my little boy. With his big eyes and round cheeks, he is the perfect subject. And I have to admit, that although with these assignments I am not allowed to edit the pictures in any way, I touched up a few of these - nothing to change the picture really, but I had to get rid of the sand gnats that were sitting on his forehead - the poor guy. So yes, I erased those nasty little bugs. My favorites of this series are of Derek's eyes. I have never thought to take such tight pictures of him before, and I loved the results :).

Last, I did a short series of my daughter, Lily. I didn't get many because she wouldn't hold still long enough. The whole time she was obsessed with collecting rocks and clover. In fact, she even found a four leaf clover! Lucky little girl! In the series she was looking at this white flower, which she named "White Bells." Pretty fun.

It was such a great place, and the kids were great, so I would have to say it was pretty successful, even if we did get eaten alive by sand gnats. I hope you enjoy the pictures :).

1 comment:

heidi said...

that looks like a very pretty place by the gate. sorry about the sand gnats.